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For the most recent activities (since 2018): see news

– International Seminar “Press Freedom under Threat”, Ghent University, 10 October 2017.

– Summer School on Council of Europe Media Standards, Council of Europe, JUFREX, Zlatibor/Serbia, 22-28 July 2017.

– Conference “Promoting dialogue between the European Court of Human Rights and the media freedom community”, ECPMF and the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 24 March 2017.

– Training of trainers: “Judges and Prosecutors, Freedom of Expression, Reinforcing Judicial Expertise on Freedom of Expression and the Media in South-East Europe”, JUFREX, EU and the Council of Europe, Budva, Montenegro, 5-9 March 2017.

– OSCE Conference “Access to Information, Measuring progress 250 years on”, OSCE, Vienna, 12 December 2016.

– Workshop on recent trends in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights with regard freedom of expression, defamation, privacy, data-protection and the right to be forgotten and investigative journalism. Seminar on sustainable lawyering, Open Society Foundation, New York, 20 April 2016.

– Workshop on global developments on freedom of expression, Open Society Foundation, New York, 12 March 2015.

– Training seminar for Russian lawyers on Freedom of Expression under the European Human Rights System, Strasbourg, Council of Europe/IREX, Media Freedom Support Project, 6-8 November 2015.

– Inaugural Conference of the ECPMF, European Media Freedom Conference, European Center for Press and Media Freedom, Leipzig 7-9 October 2015.

– Summer School for Journalists and Media Practitioners. Freedom and Pluralism of Traditional and New Media, with seminar and workshop on “Internet, Online News Platforms and Liability: the Delfi Case”, European University Institute, Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF), Florence 18-19 May 2015.

– Summer School for Journalists and Media Practitioners and Boot Camp for Journalists, “Freedom and Pluralism of Traditional and New Media”, European University Institute, Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF), Florence 2- 6 June 2014.

– Conference on Freedom of Expression, Keynote: “A Critical Analysis of Developments and Characteristics in the ECtHR’s case law”, University of Helsinki, Helsinki 8-9 May 2014.

– Seminar and Juridisk Forsk PhD Course : Legal Theory in an International Perspective: “Legal Surrealism in an International Perspective”, Copenhagen Business School and Copenhagen University, Law Faculty, Copenhagen 31 January 2013.

– Global Forum on Civil Society Law – Backlash against Civil Society. “Freedom of Assembly under International Law”, the International Centre for Not-For-Profit Law (ICNL), Stockholm 21-23 August 2011.

– Workshop: Evaluating the evolution of a public and legislative system to keep a check on the government and its activities: “What role do the media and NGOs have in the development of a democratic society?”, First Meeting Room of the Second Members’ Office Building of the House of Representatives (DIET), Tokyo, 19 June 2009.

– Forum on 30 years of ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.: “What’s happening on ‘freedom of expression and the right to know?. How far can journalists and NGOs go for their research and investigation?”, Aoyama Gakuin University, Aoyama Campus, University Society for the Study of Human Rights, Tokyo 19 June 2009.

– IMLA Workshop, Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy, “Networking Media Lawyers” and “Developing a Media Moot Court”, University of Oxford and International Media Lawyers Association, Oxford 8-10 December 2006.

– Conference ”The continuing education of lawyers in Europe”, Fédération der Barreaux de l’Europe en CCBE, Foggia 13 -16 October 2004.

– Seminar “Protection of Sources under fire”, European Federation of Journalists, Council of Europe, the Stability Pact and the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights, Prague 23 May 2003.

– EU Expert Seminar “Children and young people in the new media landscape”, Swedish Presidency of the EU, Ministry of Culture, Stockholm 11-13 February 2001.

– Lecturers and facilitators in MLAP Summer School, Media Lawyers Advocate Programme, Oxford University, Programme for Comparative Media Law and Policy, Oxford (2002-2007).

– European Conference “The Future of Film Classification in the Digital Age. From Classification to Recommendation ?”, Vienna 12-14 October 2000.