Dirk Voorhoof, “Een gele, maar geen rode kaart voor ongeoorloofde “SLAPP-tackle””, noot onder Rb. Brussel 15 april 2024, inzake Royal Sporting Club Anderlecht NV t. Jan Hauspie, Auteurs & Media 2024/2, 299-305.
Dirk Voorhoof, “Geen vrije baan aan ‘hate speech’”, Samenleving & Politiek, Zomerreeks “Het Verzet”, 28 juni 2024, 8p., https://www.sampol.be/2024/06/geen-vrije-baan-aan-hate-speech
Dirk Voorhoof et al. and Tarlach Mc Gonagle (Ed. Sup.), Freedom of Expression, the Media and Journalists: Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights, IRIS Themes, European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg, E-book, 9th edition, April 2024, 760 p. (D. VOORHOOF et al and T. MCGONAGLE (Ed. Sup.), https://rm.coe.int/iris-themes-vol-iii-9th-edition-april-2024-/1680af8b6e
Dirk Voorhoof, “Les poursuites-bâillons, un phénomène inquiétant. Abus des procédures judiciares à l’encontre de voix critiques dans le débat publique”, in Beet the system, Defend the defenders, FIAN Belgium, December 2023, p. 68-73, Defend the Defenders – FIAN Belgium
Dirk Voorhoof, “Will the EU Media Freedom Act (EMFA) be able to strengthening the protection of journalistic sources?”, Communications Law – The Journal of Computer, Media and Telecommunications Law, 2023/1 (ISSN 17467616), 16-22.
Dirk Voorhoof, “Europese Anti-SLAPP voorstellen en de advocatuur”, Today’s Lawyer, 2023/1, 2-6, online on Jubel, Nieuwswebsite voor de juridische, fiscale en financiële professional, Knops Publishing 7 juni 2023, https://www.jubel.be/europese-anti-slapp-voorstellen-en-de-advocatuur/
Dirk Voorhoof, “The chilling effect of prosecution of defamation on the right to freedom of expression : an urgent call to decriminalize defamation”, in Michiel Luchtman, Ferry de Jong, François Kristen, Katalin Ligeti, Joep Lindeman, Stanisław Tosza, Rob Widdershoven and Damián Zaitch (Eds.), Of swords and shields: due process and crime control in times of globalization – Liber amicorum prof. dr. J.A.E. Vervaele, The Hague: Eleven 2023, ISBN 978-94-6236-343-4 en ISBN 978-94-0011-224-7 (e-book), pp. 159-167, https://www.boom.nl/juridisch/100-14185_Of-swords-and-shields-due-process-and-crime-control-in-times-of-globalization
Dirk Voorhoof, “Expressievrijheid en deelname aan het publiek debat juridisch belaagd. Over misbruik van rechtsprocedures tegen “publieke waakhonden” en anti-SLAPP voorstellen”, Tijdschrift voor Mensenrechten (TvMR), 2022/4, 7-12, https://mensenrechten.be/artikels/index/100/0
Ronan Ó Fathaigh and Dirk Voorhoof, “Freedom of Expression and the EU’s ban on Russian Today. A Dangerous Rubicon Crossed”, Communications Law – The Journal of Computer, Media and Telecommunications Law, 2022/4 (ISSN 17467616), 186-192 https://www.bloomsburyprofessional.com/uk/journals-looseleafs/journals/communications-law/
Dirk Voorhoof, “Naar een effectieve vervolging van het strafbaar aanzetten tot discriminatie, haat of geweld via (online)media”, in Elisabeth Alofs, Elise Goossens, Jachin Van Doninck, Koen Byttebier (eds.), Redelijk eigenzinnig… liber amicorum Eric Brewaeys, Philipe Colle, Erna Guldix en Bruno Maes, Knops Publishing, 1011-1036, 2022, ISBN 978-9-4603-5549-3, https://nl.knopspublishing.be/shop/boeken/publiek-recht/eric-brewaeys-bruno-maes-philippe-colle-erna-guldix/ See also https://www.jubel.be/naar-een-effectieve-vervolging-van-het-strafbaar-aanzetten-tot-discriminatie-haat-of-geweld-via-onlinemedia/
Dirk Voorhoof, “Freedom of Expression in the Digital Environment: How the European Court of Human Rights has Contributed to the Protection of the Right to Freedom of Expression and Information on the Internet”, in Evangelia Psychogiopoulou and Susana de la Sierra (eds.) Digital Media Governance and Supranational Courts, Selected Issues and Insights from the European Judiciary, pp. 112-137 (232 p)., ISBN: 978 1 80220 299, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2022, https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/digital-media-governance-and-supranational-courts-9781802202991.html; ebook version: https://www.elgaronline.com/view/book/9781802203004/book-part-9781802203004-11.xml
Dirk Voorhoof, “SLAPPS: tergende, roekeloze of intimiderende rechtsprocedures tegen media, journalisten en andere ‘publieke waakhonden’”, in Bart Nelissen en Philip Vanstapel (eds.), De gevier(endeel)de Nolf. Liber Observatoribus Iustitiae, EPO Uitgeverij, Berchem 2022, 536 p., p. 127-181, ISBN 978 94 6267 373 1, https://www.epo.be/nl/maatschappij-algemeen/5202-de-gevierendeelde-nolf-9789462673731.html See also https://www.jubel.be/slapps-tergende-roekeloze-of-intimiderende-rechtsprocedures-tegen-media-journalisten-en-andere-publieke-waakhonden/
Dirk Voorhoof, “Expressievrijheid en het publiek debat: hoe een halt toeroepen aan procesmisbruik via “SLAPPs”” in F. EVERS (ed.), op-RECHT-uit. Een hulde aan Alain Bloch, Brugge, die Keure, 2022, 195-216 (Analysis of SLAPPs in Belgium, how to prevent them or minimize their impact and the role of the legislator, the judiciary and lawyers), https://www.diekeure.be/nl-be/professional/12730/op-recht-uit
Dirk Voorhoof, “Het perfide pleidooi voor de straffeloosheid van hate speech”, Samenleving & Politiek 2022/3, 32-37, https://www.sampol.be/2022/03/het-perfide-pleidooi-voor-de-straffeloosheid-van-hate-speech
Dirk Voorhoof, “Vrouwen, journalistiek, media(recht) en seksisme” (On media law, women in the media, journalism, freedom of expression and sexism), Auteurs & Media 2020/4 , 367-383
Dirk Voorhoof, “Same standards, different tools? The ECtHR and the protection and limitations of freedom of expression in the digital environment”, in Michael O’Boyle (ed.), Human Rights Challenges in the Digital Age : Judicial Perspectives, Strasbourg, Council of Europe Publications, 2020, 226 p.
Dirk Voorhoof et al, Media Freedom made in Scandinavia. Sweden and Denmark : six examples of best practices, ECPMF, Leipzig, 2020, 38 p.
Ronan 0’Fathaigh and Dirk Voorhoof, “Article 10 ECHR and Expressive Conduct”, Communications Law, The Journal of Computer, Media and Telecommunications Law 2019/2, Vol 24, 62-73, Bloomsburry Professional, Oxford, also on
Eva Lievens, Dirk Voorhoof and Peggy Valcke (eds.), European Media Law, Collection of Materials 2019-2020 (ed.), Herentals, Knops Publishing, 2019, 468 p., http://www.mijnwetboek.be/en/producten/European-Media-law-22019-2020
Inger Høedt-Rasmussen and Dirk Voorhoof, “Whistleblowing for sustainable democracy”, Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 2018 Vol.36 (I) 3-6, http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0924051917753314
Inger Høedt-Rasmussen, “Duurzaamheid als juridisch concept: Van regenwoud tot rechtsprincipe” (Sustainability as a legal principle), Today’s Lawyer 2017/3, 9-12.
Dirk Voorhoof, “Freedom of Expression versus Privacy and the Right to Reputation. How to Preserve Public Interest Journalism”, in Stijn Smet and Eva Brems (eds.), When Human Rights Clash at the European Court of Human Rights. Conflict or Harmony? OUP 2017, 148-170.
Inger Høedt-Rasmussen, “Identities of lawyers in opera and real life: a dialogue between the world of law and the world of opera”, Art Antiquity and Law, 2017/1, 74-84.
Dirk Voorhoof, “Investigative journalism, access to information, protection of sources and whistleblowers”, in Flutura Kusari and Andreas Lamm (ed.), Promoting dialogue between the European Court of Human Rights and the Media Freedom Community, 2017, 33-60, e-book
Inger Høedt-Rasmussen and Amalie Bang, ”Sustainable justice og whistleblowing: Rummer den juridiske identitet whistleblowing?”, Mod og mening: Hyldestskrift til Frederik Harhoff, DJØF 2016, 215-236.
Dirk Voorhoof, “Freedom of Expression, Media and Journalism under the European Human Rights System : Characteristics, Developments, and Challenges”, in Peter Molnár (ed.), Free Speech and Censorship Around the Globe, CEUpress 2015, 59-104.
Inger Høedt-Rasmussen, Developing identity for lawyers: towards sustainable lawyering, Copenhagen Business School 2014 [Phd].