On 26 March the website of CASE has been launched at www.the-case.eu . CASE stands for the Coalition Against SLAPPS in Europe. CASE represents a range of different public watchdogs united in recognition of the threat posed to their work by Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs), abusive lawsuits designed to silence critical speech. The CASE-website will serve as a repository of materials to assist public watchdogs in responding to legal attacks, host research CASE is conducting on legal intimidation and other data, and map out legal services and pro bono lawyers available across Europe. Legal Human Academy is one of the signatories of the CASE-proposal for an EU-directive against SLAPP (here and here), and we have also endorsed and signed a statement and a policy document requesting the Council of Europe for a Recommendation combatting SLAPPs (here, and the full memorandum here).
Coalition against SLAPPs in Europe
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