At the occasion of 3 May World Press Freedom Day the European Audiovisual Observatory published the 6th edition of the e-book Freedom of Expression, the Media and Journalists, Case law of the European Court of Human Rights. This 2021 updated version contains summaries of over 300 judgments or decisions by the European Court of Human Rights and provides hyperlinks to the full text of each of the summarised judgments or decisions (via HUDOC, the Court’s online case-law database). It can be read or used in various ways: for initial orientation in the steadily growing Article 10 case-law; for refreshing one’s knowledge of that case-law; for quick reference and checking, as well as for substantive research. The summaries included in the e-book have been reported in IRIS – Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory between 1995 and 2020 and can be retrieved from the Observatory’s legal database, IRIS Merlin. The most recent Strasbourg case law on freedom of expression, media en journalists is again reported in the IRIS Newsletter and will find its way to the 2022 edition of the e-book.
Full reference: Dirk Voorhoof et al and Tarlach McGonagle T. (Ed. Sup.), Freedom of Expression, the Media and Journalists, Case law of the European Court of Human Rights, IRIS Themes, European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg, 2021 (link).

New version of e-book on World Press Freedom Day
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