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E-book on freedom of expression, media and journalists

On May 3th (World Press Freedom Day) the European Audiovisual Observatory has released the new (9th) edition of the e-book “Freedom of Expression, the Media and Journalists: case law of the European Court of Human Rights”. The updated version of the e-book contains some 400 summaries of judgments (and a few decisions) of the European Court of Human Rights dealing with different aspects of freedom of expression, including in the digitial environment.

The online access of the pdf-version of the e-book is free

Full reference: Freedom  of  Expression,  the  Media  and  Journalists:  Case-law  of  the  European  Court  of Human Rights, IRIS Themes, European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg, E-book, 9th edition, April 2024, 760 p. (D. VOORHOOF et al and T. MCGONAGLE (Ed. Sup.), ISBN 978-92-871-8435-1 (print version)

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